Keeping Goldendoodle Puppies Happy and Healthy

Goldendoodles are low shedders and are a good option for people with allergies. However, like all dogs, they still produce allergens such as dander and saliva.

These dogs thrive in a home with a large fenced yard and regular walks or outdoor play sessions. They also need daily mental enrichment from you. Contact Goldendoodle Puppies Ohio now!

Goldendoodles are intelligent and highly trainable, but they also need a lot of attention and mental stimulation. They can become bored if they’re left alone for too long and may engage in destructive behaviors. As a result, you should ensure they get enough exercise and playtime daily to keep them happy and healthy.

These dogs typically require a regular grooming routine, including brushing and professional grooming to prevent matting or tangling (especially if they have a curly poodle coat). Their double coat consists of an undercoat of dense fur that is hypoallergenic, with a longer top coat of guard hairs that can be more allergen-inducing. You’ll need to clip their nails on a schedule and provide them with an occasional bath.

Like other breeds, doodles can suffer from a variety of health conditions. Choosing a breeder that prioritizes the health of their puppies is an important first step in preventing these problems. The best goldendoodle breeders will have both of their parents certified for hip dysplasia, a heart clearance from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals and certification from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation that they are free of progressive retinal atrophy.

Since Goldendoodles are crossbreeds, their health risks vary depending on the genetic predisposition of their parent breeds. This means it’s crucial to do your research before adopting a pup and consider getting them insured to protect yourself against the costs of any future medical needs.

It’s also critical to have a regular vet visit schedule in place, especially for puppies. You can use an app like Vetted to track your dog’s upcoming appointments and receive reminders leading up to them. This will help you ensure your puppy gets the proper medical care they need and will reduce your stress in knowing when it’s time to take them to the vet. You can also add any medication your dog takes to the Vetted app so you have a record of it in one convenient location. Having this information handy can make the process of caring for your Goldendoodle much easier and less stressful.


Goldendoodles are intelligent, eager to please dogs that respond well to positive reinforcement training. They need lots of praise, snacks, and attention to build trust with their people and create a strong bond. This also helps them to develop a sense of responsibility and self-control that will carry with them into adulthood.

Like all puppies, goldendoodles need basic obedience training to learn how to behave properly in a human family. They need to be taught the meaning of basic commands, such as “sit” and “down.” This is an ideal time to introduce them to clicker training, which uses a small device called a clicker that emits a sound when pressed to reinforce good behavior with a treat.

Potty training is an important aspect of puppy training, and it’s essential to set a routine for your dog. Begin by establishing an overnight schedule where you wake your puppy up at two or three different times throughout the night to take them outside for bathroom breaks. Repeat this until your goldendoodle is fully potty trained. It takes patience, but the results are worth it!

Since goldendoodles have moderate energy levels, they thrive on daily exercise with their families. They can be exercised in your fenced backyard or on long walks, and they love to play with humans and other dogs. Mental stimulation, such as puzzle toys, is also a great way to get your dog’s energy out.

As a result of their playful nature, goldendoodles can be easily taught tricks and enjoy learning new skills. For example, you can teach your dog to shake a paw in greeting when they come over to visit. It’s a cute trick that will impress your friends and neighbors, and it’s fairly easy to train.

While some purebred dog breeders have a bad reputation, ethical goldendoodle breeders prioritize the health and wellbeing of their pups. They will conduct thorough genetic testing and follow responsible breeding practices. As a result, they are less likely to suffer from the same health conditions that plague many other purebred dogs, such as hip dysplasia, sebaceous adenitis, subvalvular aortic stenosis, and Addison’s disease.


Goldendoodle puppies are a highly social breed and can be very affectionate. They tend to bond with everyone in their family and are often very tolerant of young children. They also have a low prey drive, making them suitable for families with small pets and other animals. These pups are intelligent, eager to learn, and quick to pick up new tricks. Keeping your puppy stimulated with training sessions, playtime, and interactions with people of all ages will keep them happy and healthy.

Introducing your dog to various experiences at a young age will help them grow into a confident adult, allowing them to adapt easily to new situations throughout their lifetime. It’s important to expose them to a variety of dogs, environments, and noises. It’s also helpful to desensitize them to loud sounds like honking horns and fireworks at a young age by playing recordings of these things at a lower volume, increasing the volume over time.

Meeting new people will also help your dog develop an innate fondness for humans. This will allow them to adjust seamlessly when they meet new guests at your home or during walks. It will also prevent your dog from developing a fear of strangers or other dogs, which can lead to territorial behavior.

Encouraging your dog to interact with people of all ages will help them feel comfortable around children, which is essential for the well-being of both parties. While you should always supervise their interaction, encouraging gentle play is an excellent way to encourage your Goldendoodle’s good behavior and build a lasting bond with the kids in your family.

Your puppy will also benefit from interacting with other dogs under the supervision of a professional trainer. This will help them learn how to properly play with other dogs and create boundaries that will support their playful nature without causing any aggressive behaviors, such as biting.

Exposing your Goldendoodle to a variety of environments will help them adapt to different conditions throughout their life. This can include visiting the dog park, shopping malls, and busy streets. Lastly, it’s important to get your dog accustomed to having their paws touched, ears touched, and mouths touched by other individuals, so trips to the vet and groomer are stress-free in the future.


Goldendoodles are energetic, intelligent dogs that thrive on daily physical activity. This helps manage their weight, reduces stress levels and anxiety, promotes mental stimulation, prevents undesirable behaviors and provides a positive outlet for their energy.

Many of the common behavioral issues that arise with puppies — chewing, playing biting and excessive licking — are actually symptoms of lack of exercise. Puppies with too much pent-up energy and not enough mental stimulation are more likely to become destructive, or even exhibit separation anxiety when left alone for long periods of time. Exercise is also key for preventing and treating joint issues in Goldendoodles.

When it comes to exercise, every puppy has different needs based on their size, age and energy level. However, as a general rule of thumb, Goldendoodles need at least half an hour of physical activity each day to stay happy and healthy. This may mean playing with a doggie friend, going for a short walk or engaging in some fun, interactive games at home.

Keep in mind that high-impact activities, such as jumping on and off furniture, beds, couches, and other surfaces, can damage your pup’s developing bones and joints. It’s also important to avoid high-intensity exercises, such as jogging and running, until your pet is fully grown.

While outdoor exercise is always a great option, indoor exercise can be just as important, especially on rainy days when outside excursions aren’t possible. Try hiding treats or toys around your home and then having your dog search for them to stimulate their sense of smell and tap into their natural hunting impulses. Another great option is to use household items to create DIY puzzle toys that encourage problem-solving. Including your pup in these activities will not only tire them out, but it will also help foster a bond between you and your dog.

Regular physical activity is important for all dogs, but it’s particularly critical for Goldendoodles. Make sure to take your pup out for potty breaks every one to two hours while house training, and schedule daily exercise sessions for them during cooler parts of the day when they’re less likely to overheat.